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How to Exclude Unwanted Keywords & Industries
How to Exclude Unwanted Keywords & Industries
Bourhan Sbalbal avatar
Written by Bourhan Sbalbal
Updated over a week ago

When you're building your search in ListKit, there are always going to be some unwanted companies in the search results...

Our "exclude" filter makes it easy to exclude them!

Here's how to use our "exclude" feature:

1- Click on "Companies, then click on the "Keywords" button:

Then click on exclude and type any keywords you'd like excluded, then hit enter:

2- You can exclude using our Data Visualization chart

Check this video out to see how!

This will help you narrow down your ICP accurately! If you need more help with building your lists. Book a 1-on-1 support call with one of our in-house leads list building experts.

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