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How do I add more leads to my campaign?
Bourhan Sbalbal avatar
Written by Bourhan Sbalbal
Updated over 4 months ago
  1. Head to and sign into your account.

  2. Head to Email Campaign

  3. Click on the pencil next to the campaign that you want to change.

  4. Head to Import Leads then Upload CSV File

  5. In terms of the toggles, leave as is if you’re starting a new campaign and click Save. Toggling Ignore The Leads That Exist In Another Campaign will make sure there are no duplicates in other campaigns. But, ListKit excludes your previous orders, so you do not need to toggle this on.

  6. The next stage is mapping the fields. You realistically only need to map the fields that are in the script. If you scraped phone numbers, map that too. What this is doing is mapping the columns in the CSV to a field for the script.

  7. Press Save & Next and come to the final page where you click Update Campaign. These new leads will now start from step 1 whilst the rest of the leads keep running as normal.

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