Do you have co-workers looking to assist with your prospecting efforts? Or perhaps you need a new order history for reaching out to a different ideal customer profile (ICP)? ListKit has you covered with the new added seats feature! Here’s how to add a seat to your account:
1. Access Settings:
Click the icon in the bottom left corner of your screen and select "Settings".
2. Navigate to "Subscription Plan":
A menu with your account details will appear. Click on "Subscription Plan" at the top right corner of the page.
3. Invite Now:
When the new page loads, scroll down till you see the "Invite members" section at the bottom left corner of the page, then click on "Invite now", and you'll be able to add the new members.
4. Add new user:
The invited users interface will now load. You can check all of the users that you've added here. To add a new user, click on "Add new user" and fill the information needed, then an invite will be sent for the user to join the team. If you don't have any seats and you'd like to purchase some more, click on "Include more users in my plan", and you should be good!
Important things to note:
- The Invited user and the main user use the credits of the parent account, they do not get separate credits.
- Each account has it's own order history!
- In order to make any changes, you will always have to reach out to the in-app chat support!
- Added seats are FREE for everyone!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out via the in-app chat support. We're here to help!